I listen to Ween and am now back to writing. R.I.P. Suncoast.

Age 29


McAuley High School (Grad.)

Cincinnati, Ohio

Joined on 6/27/20

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Posted by stuckathome - December 18th, 2022

How are y'all doin'?

It's Sunday and I'm feeling very blah.


Gonna have to delete my ArtStation since they are clearly flouting copyright law with the AI art thing and making it harder for animation job recruiters to find actual artists, plus promote the new portfolio website I just made on Wix. But other than that it was good, visited my Abuela (grandma, but of course “Abuela” sounds more natural with my family) over the weekend.

Still, it was extremely scummy of ArtStation to fight its own users so close to Christmas and perhaps the only reason that AI proponents and ArtStation are getting away with stealing from everyone from small artists to Disney and Marvel is because politicians and courts are taking a break until after the holidays. I wasn’t even planning on doing an iota of work until after the holidays to take care of myself, but my own (former) portfolio site forced my hand.

*hugs* We're fighting A.I. too.

@stuckathome At least ChatGPT and its ilk seems to have some glaring flaws in its current form. There have been sensationalized articles (mostly from Futurism) making fun of ChatGPT for losing badly in a pun competition (meaning comedy writers seem to be safe for now) and college professors declaring on social media that any and all essays written by the algorithm would get an F- if that were possible because of plagiarism and because they expect more creative critical thinking from students, which current algorithms that just regurgitate existing essays can’t possibly do.

Meanwhile, AI art has already won an art competition in Colorado against human-made art and large companies like Adobe (Photoshop) and Epic (ArtStation) seem way to eager to replace their own users with AI art, even if it obviously means said users can no longer justify a Creative Cloud or ArtStation Premium subscription if AI art makes it impossible to make an income making art.

If anything, becoming a writer who specializes in puns or writing less-predictable reviews for IGN seems like a good plan B for me, since the editorial industry seems to be way more proactive in ensuring ChatGPT at least doesn’t win any competitions against humans.

I've still been trying to find a writing job that pays.

@stuckathome Yeah, I think the anxiety surrounding AI right now has to do with industries like writing and animation already making you jump through hoops just to get a job that allows you to not be homeless in one of the most expensive cities on Earth (also requiring you to move into the most expensive cities on Earth, probably because they’re too elitist to even associate with and save small towns). They expect SO much from human employees that don’t benefit from their nepotism, yet expect so much less from shiny new job-killing technology because they ideally don’t want to deal with cost of employing people that need to be paid more than enough for food, water and shelter, assuming they don’t also have families members who would also like to not starve to death.

I’m not worried about a glorified random art generator that never gives me what I want ever replacing my artstyle. I’m just insulted that it can’t even get basic anatomy or image composition right yet companies that learned nothing from the NFT fad like Ubisoft have already decided the homunculus-generators are superior to people who have refined their anatomy and composition skills all their lives. It’s like saying to a 20-year industry vet “Mmm, come back when you gain more experience” and then proceeding to hire a literal baby who does not yet have the motor skills to hold a crayon.