I listen to Ween and am now back to writing. R.I.P. Suncoast.

Age 29


McAuley High School (Grad.)

Cincinnati, Ohio

Joined on 6/27/20

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Wow, over-sensitive people have always been a problem for artists, haven't they? Also, imagine if one of Marvel's artists tried this social commentary today, now that it is owned by Disney...

They have always done this with She-Hulk and that was part of her charm.
Now I'm worried Jason Aaron's sexist She-Hulk will be considered "canon."

Actually, in the few Marvel comics I’ve read in the 2010s the writers seem to randomly slap in some extremely “based” commentary, most notably in some Spider-Man comic when an Internet journalist takes over the newspaper chain he works at and basically slanders the Avengers and produces other needlessly-divisive articles for money. Not all the time, of course, but just enough apparently to make you go “Disney allows this?!” Sorry for starting another culture war like that fictional Internet journalist.

Nah, you're good.

@jthrash @stuckathome Honestly, I have no idea who Jason Aaron is or what direction Marvel comics (the actual comics, not the MCU) is taking. I just had an extremely brief period in the 2010’s where I decided to at least try to “get” super hero comics (I’ve always preferred more light-hearted comedy comic strips). Sounds like it’s for the best that I’m blissfully unaware of whatever drama is plaguing Marvel comics these days.

Oh, good for you. You don't want to know.

@jthrash @stuckathome @stuckathome You may want to check out this recent Foamy the Squirrel rant against…uhh…Internet rant culture.


My mood has improved dramatically recently simply because I decided to tune out any Internet drama that doesn’t directly affect me or the people in my life, while spending my free Internet time watching or playing stuff that is actually entertaining. I am certainly not one of those people that completely ignores anything that makes me feel bad—I still unfortunately have to pay attention to news on the pandemic, wildfires in the West, and of course upcoming elections that I can vote in—but by ignoring stuff I can’t control, I have way more energy to deal with stuff I can.

Noice. I will, promise.