I listen to Ween and am now back to writing. R.I.P. Suncoast.

Age 29


McAuley High School (Grad.)

Cincinnati, Ohio

Joined on 6/27/20

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Its never too late. Even if it feels hopeless you can turn things around. Just take a breath, and come at this smartly. One thing at a time and before you know it things will start looking better.

Thank you, my love.

I’m really sorry to hear that. If it makes you feel any better, perhaps the only reason I’m still thin is because working in retail and pushing carts 5 hours out of my 7-hour workdays is so physically demanding. In a weird way, I’m actually kind of jealous of people who are allowed to laze around to the point of gaining weight, especially when my feet hurt after standing in dress shoes all day (my job requires me to wear dress shoes).

Yeah, it does make me feel a bit better.

I think it's just end-of-year blehs.

As for goals you might have about losing weight, I would recommend not waiting for New Year’s Day to start working toward your goals like everyone else. If, for example, you want to eat more broccoli, immediately start eating broccoli after saying “I should eat more broccoli.” Or if you want to start up running, go on a short jog immediately after saying “I want to start running.” Don’t give yourself even a second to come up with excuses to procrastinate.

Yeah...waiting until NYE won't be good, and...this is good advice.

Finally, be realistic and do things in small steps. This applies to your writing, too—if writing only one sentence a day is all you can do to make consistent progress on a daily basis without burning out, then do that, at least you’ll get seven sentences in a week. It’s better than writing an entire novel in one sitting and then burning out and not being able to write at all for 6 months.

I do need to start doing that.