I listen to Ween and am now back to writing. R.I.P. Suncoast.

Age 29


McAuley High School (Grad.)

Cincinnati, Ohio

Joined on 6/27/20

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Well there's currently a fire just outside of my town so thats fun. I'd like for California to NOT be on fire for once. Other than that i'm good.

I meant mentally, but...aww, that's good.

Cool your head with water

Or maybe tea.
Tea sounds good.

Today was my first day back at work in a while, and other than it feeling long and being expected to spend the majority of my day in the heat it actually started off pretty well. People were surprisingly calm and treated me with a modicum of respect for helping them out for once. But then my dinner break ended and apparently everyone except me and a single cashier were allowed to leave early, leaving me to essentially do the work of 10+ people and being pulled in different directions for 3 straight hours without any of my supposedly-mandatory breaks. On top of that, a grown-ass customer had some sort of temper tantrum and egged parts of the store in “protest,” leaving me to clean up the mess while my manager was yelling at me to help out at the polar opposite side of the store AND bring in carts well outside the store itself.

Wow...what crap.

Especially the egg thing.

My day prior to work was awesome, too, which makes it especially frustrating that it had to end on such a sour note just because my co-workers are lazy and the customers later in the day are not well-adjusted. I spent it doing “fun” work like learning how to use the GDevelop game engine and doodling on my iPad.

-hugs- I'm sure it'll get better over the weekend.

@jthrash @stuckathome I guess. But this is what I mean when I said I need to look into a different job. I was never told I had to do any of this or work this late into the night when I first started working here, and it’s not like I get paid more than minimum wage for my extra work. My job is actually more demanding in the weekend, this is one of my EASY days. I’m obviously happier when working on art, but even in the best of times, I need to drastically improve my skills if I want to make it my day job.

Oh, I see.

Yeah, you should look into a different job once you've made enough moolah to quit.