I listen to Ween and am now back to writing. R.I.P. Suncoast.

Age 29


McAuley High School (Grad.)

Cincinnati, Ohio

Joined on 6/27/20

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Not going to lie, these posts really scare me.

If you are a Christian, though, if you truly accept Jesus in your heart, then you’re basically going to Heaven and will lose the desire to commit deadly sins, which basically means you won’t suddenly forfeit your ticket to Heaven on accident. A lot of old-school pastors still teach a lot of scary fire-and-brimstone stuff to scare Christian-in-name-only hypocrites straight, but it sounds like you’re being scared needlessly. The God in the Bible is not an Eldritch god of destruction—he’s not going to punish you unless you deliberately try to be an evil person and enjoy hurting others. Some sects don’t even believe that there is a Hell—I’ve read the Bible 3 times now and it never directly uses the word Hell, let alone clearly suggest bad people go there as opposed to constantly reminding readers that Heaven is real and awesome.

I'm sorry.

I've just believed that my whole life (Apostolic) and now...well, I find it weird I'm being plagued by these dreams and these things NOW of all times when I was just starting to feel good about myself.

Using this as my diary kind of does help - but I'm sure this might be the last "doom" one.

@jthrash @stuckathome Well, Hell has been kind of a big trend in indie animation and games lately. It could also just be you played HellTakers or watched the Hazbin Hotel pilot recently and your dreams are becoming freaky horror-themed fan fictions of them. I used to have some messed-up dreams about Fairly Odd Parents of all things as a kid.

I’ve been having a lot of dreams about the end of human civilization lately, but they are weirdly comforting in that they tend to depict a future where nature reclaims its territory or humans are replaced by a much more caring and intelligent dominant species. Frankly, with how hard it is to ignore what’s going on in the world even if you detox from social media, having ominous dreams only seems completely normal right now. Humans have never been well-equipped to handle long-term stress, let alone multiple national or worldwide crises in a single year while still having to deal with personal problems.

The weird thing is, I just finished my screenplay about nuns and demons - inspired by Hazbin (it's an awesome pilot, by the way) and the teen girl dream came a few years after the others, coincidentally as I was beginning to flesh out the world in my pitch bible for that play.

I wasn't too stressed (a little obsessive, but not stressed) until the dream hit - I started noting the bizarre pattern of sporadic religion-themed dreams I had up until that point and CUE CONSPIRACY BRAIN.