I listen to Ween and am now back to writing. R.I.P. Suncoast.

Age 29


McAuley High School (Grad.)

Cincinnati, Ohio

Joined on 6/27/20

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stuckathome's News

Posted by stuckathome - November 26th, 2020

Hi, everyone!

Happy Turkey Day!

How are you, huh?

I'm fine, a little "meh," at best - Thanksgiving this year feels a little weird, but hey, Friday's gonna be fun, because I get to go outside and hang with my dad (with a mask, of course.) while shopping for a viddy game. Woo!

Hope your Thanksgivings are going smoothly, and have a




Posted by stuckathome - November 25th, 2020

Hey, everyone.

How are you?

I'm doin' okay. Just finished watching another episode of South Park.

I'm currently going to be six pages intto Coagula, which is awesome. Must try to finish at least 10 pages of it because I've procrastinated long enough.


Posted by stuckathome - November 24th, 2020

Hello, everyone.

What's up?

I'm doin' all right, just relaxing in bed for a while...probably gonna finish writing later on in the day. It's also Tuesday night, so that's awesome...barbecue wing night, yes!



Posted by stuckathome - November 23rd, 2020

Hey, everyone.

Watchin' South Park, and feelin' pretty great right now.

How are you today, huh?

I'm pretty sure I'll have something else to write, but for now, have Cartman eating pie.



Posted by stuckathome - November 22nd, 2020

Hey, everybody.

Well, it's Sunday again, and that means I'm thinking about my life and goals and shit - especially how they've changed throughout the 25 years I've been here.

At first I wanted to be a firefighter, then a rockstar as a kid, then a writer (but I didn't know exactly what kind), and then a nun, and then I went aimless for a while until now, where I want to be a showrunner or a video game story writer or something and my bucket list has whittled down to three simple things:

  1. Eventually finishing Coagula's pilot
  2. Marrying someone/eating pizza and hanging out with them
  3. Playing a video game (specifically, Yoshi's Island, I mean, look at it.) or two.

Is that sad? It feels so weirdly "is that it?" to me, but there's not a lot left I can care about at this point, especially with quarantine being extended.

Huh. Maybe not. I dunno. Simple dreams are neat.


Posted by stuckathome - November 21st, 2020

Hey, everybody.

I'mma first give you a little surprise here to subscribe to if you're bored, then tell you about my day and give you an update on Coagula.

I'm still workin' on it, my brain's just a little distracted again; gotta screw it back in; it's 4 pages in, almost 2 a.m., and I have less than half a Mountain Dew left. *puts on sunglasses* LET'S ROLL, BABY!


Posted by stuckathome - November 20th, 2020

Hey, all.

It's Friday and I feel...a lot of things.

I think they're good, maybe...?

Here, have a clip of somethin' from Chowder and another from Futurama while I sort this all out - oy, my brain hates me...dammit, emotions, I hate you...

Update: Yeah, I'm calming down now. I haven't felt like this in forever.


Posted by stuckathome - November 19th, 2020

Thursday night, watching Chowder, then Rocko's Modern Life again.

Absolute perfection.

That is all for now, but I'm sure I'll have more when Solve gets done, though.

How are you all doing?



Posted by stuckathome - November 19th, 2020

Hello, everybody!

I'm having a pretty good day today, and... sighs I just can't wait for the weekend.

I'm hopped up on excitement because my boyfriend beat Medievil and...well, I did enjoy the experience with watching it unfold from last week - plus, the joy doesn't seem to be fading much, so that's a plus too.



Posted by stuckathome - November 18th, 2020

It's leftover night...also, what's shakin'?

I'm doin' all right, just chillin' at home and listening to Midnight Screenings out of boredom.

I'm also going to finish writing Solve right now, because I need to get that done...I'm motivated and excited to get this boat sailing smoothly too, 'cause I owe it to a lot of people and myself.

