I listen to Ween and am now back to writing. R.I.P. Suncoast.

Age 29


McAuley High School (Grad.)

Cincinnati, Ohio

Joined on 6/27/20

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stuckathome's News

Posted by stuckathome - April 10th, 2021


It also turns out my allergies are bad too, so I'm feeling the burn on both ends.

I'm sure I'll find some way out of it, but for right now I feel like I'm in a trance and it's easy to describe the feeling as "Huh, odd that nothing's really going on in my mind for the past few days since I stopped writing." it's a bummer, man.

Anyway, what's up?

Sorry my entries look...dead.

Posted by stuckathome - April 9th, 2021

How's it hangin', everybody?

I'm feeling pretty great and I've just discovered Scrubs.

Posted by stuckathome - April 8th, 2021

What's shakin'?

So, it's day 2 of this madness and I'm still quite drained, however, I am slowly picking myself back up, which is nice.

Any good shows people watched during quarantine?

Posted by stuckathome - April 7th, 2021

Hey, all -

what's shakin'?

It's leftover night! woohoo! Also, I'm slowly feeling a little better, enjoying my anime and whatnot.

I believe I'm pretty safe for the moment, but I can never be too careful.


Posted by stuckathome - April 6th, 2021

It's here.

I'm proud of it, at least.

Finally, I have appeased them for the moment.


Posted by stuckathome - April 5th, 2021

Heyo, everyone.

I found another new anime to watch, and it looks really good too.

I still haven't gotten my writing chops back yet, and it feels like I'm drained or lazy or something...

Posted by stuckathome - April 4th, 2021

I'm doin' okay...I do feel rather meh, however, but I'm pretty sure it's not too bad.

I just need to kick my writing self into high gear again, find some inspiration and shit.

The dream chasing sucked most of it out.

Posted by stuckathome - April 3rd, 2021

How's it going?

I'm currently fine, if not a bit sick...

...going to chill today.

Posted by stuckathome - April 2nd, 2021

Hey, everyone.

How's it going?

I'm getting better, somewhat...I found a new anime and am probably going to do some stuff today...like writing...I'm just a little brain-fried right now.


Posted by stuckathome - April 1st, 2021

Hi, all.

So, I'm feeling a bit eh right now and I feel like I might feel better over the weekend.

Please, for the love of God and my sanity, let me be okay.

I'm feeling so worn down it hurts...but I am learning a lot, so that's awesome.
